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-First Time Author-
Gwenyth Snow

It's About Luke

Luke Poole is an ordinary boy struggling between the everyday normal and the fringe world of David, his older, severely disabled brother. They enjoy a close relationship, often giving rise to impulsive deeds that lead to situations with hilarious consequences. Luke’s relationship with his mother is dominated by his feelings of being undervalued and disrespected as she struggles to maintain her own sanity in the stressful and exhausting demands of daily life. Sudden tragedy leads to Luke’s discovery of who he is and the meaning of family.
Book in the Works

My second book is in progress, and I hope to have it completed for publishing in 2021. The story is about Sharon Swanson, an egotistical university professor, who loses her prestigious teaching position due to her high-handed manner and disrespect for social graces. In consequence, she is given a position in an elementary school, teaching a group of active six-year-olds who say funny things and create outrageous situations. Sharon's story involves her transformation from being self-absorbed to becoming supportive and compassionate towards her young students while trying to navigate the turbulent seas of the ever-increasing responsibilities of her job. An unexpected event makes her re-evaluate her choices and make a difficult decision for her future.
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