-First Time Author-
Gwenyth Snow


Gwenyth Snow lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. She worked as a Licensed Practical Nurse for nearly twenty years before deciding to change her profession. In her late thirties, she attended the University of Alberta and achieved a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and an after degree in Education. During that time, she became enchanted by so many of the books she read that she developed an interest in writing. In addition to writing and teaching at an elementary school, she has a passion for film and travel.
The inspiration behind writing the novel was Snow's son, David, who had a severe form of cerebral palsy and died near the age of twenty. During his last hospital stay, Gwenyth wrote a series of humorous short stories loosely based on elements of their life together in an effort to entertain and distract him from the difficulty of his last few months. He was the main character in all the situations she devised, and he reveled in the adventures she created.
After David's death, she made the stories into a book, inserting more characters and devising a plot to link the stories together. She also wanted to examine disability from a different perspective, such as from the eyes of a sibling. During this process, Luke Poole, the novels central character, was born.