-First Time Author-
Gwenyth Snow

It's About Luke
Luke Poole is an ordinary boy struggling between the everyday normal and the fringe world of David, his older, severely disabled brother. They enjoy a close relationship, often giving rise to impulsive deeds that lead to situations with hilarious consequences. Luke’s relationship with his mother is dominated by his feelings of being undervalued and disrespected as she struggles to maintain her own sanity in the stressful and exhausting demands of daily life. Sudden tragedy leads to Luke’s discovery of who he is and the meaning of family.
No one should ever be too old for the comfort and security of a stuffed animal, even when no longer a child. If he had one right now he would have it shoved under his arm, unashamed, daring anyone to say something. You don't have to think when you're holding something; you just hug it, and it hugs you back, healing some of the raw damage that dangles inside. Grief has no boundaries, and does not exclude age, differences, or species. He didn't know how to feel, but he was certain of one thing; if there were any sad memories or thoughts trying to cloud his mind, he'd be better equipped to clear them with something to hug.
What Reviewers Are Saying
Love, family, and adventure are among the themes woven into this mesmerizing narrative. It’s a fun read that is full of love and tears. The writing is beautiful, filled with insightful passages and emotionally charged moments. ~ Readers' Favorite
[This} story moves through time capturing the most remarkable aspects of a family dealing with extreme disability. The approach it takes has societal significance that is far reaching and thought provoking. “It’s About Luke” is a book that I can visualize being made into a movie someday with a cinematic ending that will definitely surprise.
~ Reader Views